

August 15, 2013


Reduced to tears at the Doctor's today, literally broke down out of frustration twice.

Now home I have picked my self up, dusted myself off and am resetting for a great 12 days in California. First, leaving for SF in the morning for THE ART OF ACTIVE NETWORKING next Monday night at The Box SF, then Wednesday to LA for a special night and some meetings. Then back to SF and then to NYC for my 56th Birthday and home here in NYC for a few weeks.

For all the SHIT I am dealing with right now I am so grateful for my SPIRIT. I have a killer awesome life, amazing friends, a powerful network of givers and the where-with-all to pick my ass up time and again and keep on going.

I was asked today if I could have one wish what would it be. My first reaction was to have my full health back and to get "MARK" back. Then I stopped myself and answered...

"I would wish that every person would just get out of their heads and troubles long enough to spend their days helping each other to do better."

Because in that the power of us all helping and working together towards each others needs creates a unlimited resource of support for each of us.

We all struggle, we all have our passionate purpose, find yours, surround yourself with powerful people and hop on that horse and get goin' there is a great journey ahead. That's a fact, we just don't know how long the trip's gonna be, but the ride is always amazing and interesting.

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