

August 15, 2016


Trump says something stupid, flips, contradicts what he said a few weeks ago, attacks people in his own party and then shrugs it off or blames the media for distorting his actual words. And smart, normal people, including Republican's Democrat's and Independent's question it!

Trump says something stupid, flips, contradicts what he said a few weeks ago, attacks people in his own party and then shrugs it off or blames the media for distorting his actual words. Then when his actual words coming out of his actual flappy mouth, get posted unedited to social media to expose what a dangerous and hateful man he actually is, keeping in mind that these are 'HIS OWN WORDS', Trump supporters say he is being bashed or misunderstood and that the Liberal "media" are twisting his words.

The sad part of all this is that Trump is his own worst enemy, because he is the one spewing all this. Not quite sure where or how this somehow gets turned into the Liberals or Democrats bashing this man. He does a perfect job all on his own.

Now he is calling for election monitors in anticipation of his growing landslide loss despite the fact that election fraud in Federal elections in this country are all but nil. Even now he still won't change his tone, try to mend fences or do anything to collaborate with his own party. This approach is certainly not Presidential and scares the crap out of me.

What I cannot figure out is what anyone sees in him that gives them hope or a sense of stability. I completely understand the ANGER. I get that Hilary is not an ideal choice. I also get that while people say there is a third party Independent choice I disagree. This is now a 2 horse race, both horses are lame but one has hoof and mouth disease.

I hope the Independents in this country will unify, put up a powerful candidate 4 years from now, then up and down our congressional and senate ballots get a foothold. We desperately need a 3 party or even a 4 party system in this country as we grow and evolve and politics as usual cannot continue. The rest of the world has changed, it's time our political parties grow and change as well.

But right now in this 2 'viable' candidate race, Trump is NOT a sane or safe choice this November.

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