

August 15, 2014



I have had many mentors in my life both direct and indirect, but I've been trying to think why Actor/Comedian and Creative Force Robin Williams and his passing has me so off center this last few days.

I have had a lot of death in my life, and certainly we hear of those "too soon" passings all the time. So I took some time this week to reflect as to why this death hurts more. For me Robin represented the things that are so attractive to me: Connectedness, creatively, random and rampant planning, diversity, curiosity for life, following his own unique path without apology, how he viewed life and his pure unbridled energy. He was a kind, giving and gentle soul, who saw himself as just one of us. Certainly the fact that he was a master of many things and that in my opinion frankly everything he touched worked, certainly plays into that awe I have for him. He crossed that very difficult line from Comedic to Dramatic, Stage and Screen and "seemed" to thrive in it all. He lived a Creative Life! Like many of us he suffered Demons, all things that as a creative person I relate to, I so thrive on and respect in my colleagues and at times deal with myself. I feel that same about friends and mentors both direct and indirect in my life, all creative, passionate and powerfully giving. Inspiring people fascinate me because they are about ideas and the making of things and they are not about complaining and the tearing down of things. That is one of the ideals I hope to bring to The Art of Active Networking and all the events I do with my little hobby here. I'd also like you to think about the impact you might be able to have on someone in your life before our next event!

I walked into my living room in New York City the morning after he passed away to look down at Robin Williams signed Scripts for HOOK and TOYS that he donated to my AIDS auction a number of years ago when I was President of The AIDS/HIV Life Center. He donated them to us to raise money for Life Center that was to be the first and only national AIDS Services Center, and without hesitation he was on board. I also made sure to win the bids at that Auction by bidding the highest because he has always been one of my Creative Hero's and I loved that he took the time to have the scripts bound into these beautiful books! Frankly I just had to have them.

I find huge Irony that I placed this glass red heart next to them when I moved in to my New York City Apartment a few years ago, so when I walked in to my living room that morning, it just jumped out at me sitting right there as it has but that day it a new meaning. So I had to share this story with you all. Robin used to take his scripts for each film and have them bound into beautiful books as a memory of the project. They are simple, beautiful and something I have always and will always cherish. But is was is creative example that most inspired me so often. In fact, the hardest I ever laughed was at one of my AIDS/HIV Fundraisers where he came out and did his thing, his magic as it were, for over an hour solid, no script, no plan, with ideas, jokes and observations hitting the audience in rapid fire. It was frenetic and seriously in the zone! What a gift!

He will be missed by his beautiful family and the world to be certain. Robin did Pilates at the same studio I go to for the longest time and we often would trade jokes between our sessions, telling a world class comedian a joke is no easy task, but he always enjoyed them, as did I. I once dated his wife Susan, (a few years before they met), and I cannot imagine what she must be going through along with his former wife Marcia, his daughter Zelda and his closest friends. I am sending good thoughts today to all of them them, and to his extended family and to Susan's boys who must all be in deep pain.

Thank you for being a part of my ideas  for the Art of Active Networking and get involved, everything we do and where we do it is on the site and the groups and pages are yours to post on for free! We'll most certainly not see BRILLIANCE that was Robin Williams again. He was swift, brilliant, funny, kind, creative, nutty, off the wall, frenetic and giving. I'm truly off center today with the news of his passing as I am sure many of you are, he was honestly one of my Creative Hero's! Now let's all go out and see how we might impact those in our life, after all we are each a piece to someone's puzzle!
Tickets are always available for each event on our website until 6pm day of the event, or are available for 10 dollars more at the door until 7:30 pm. Please take a look at our Website, read the reviews, join our groups and social media pages on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter; and share this with others at TheArtofActiveNetworking.com
The power of us working together is greater than anything we can accomplish alone!
Be Well, Be Creative, Be Great!
-Mark E. SackettCreative Director / Executive Producer / Director / Public Speaker
Mobile 415-602-9500

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