

December 4, 2013


The concept of LEGACY is weighing heavily on me today. More coming, but in the meantime, who here has thought anything about the legacy you would love to leave the world?

I have thought a great deal about this since yesterday but losing someone else I cared about to Cancer yesterday brings it all up for me in a fresh way as we were basically the same age. Facing my mortality causes me to think about it with a slightly different perspective and knowing that our limited time in life must be used moment to moment in the ways that are most important to us and hopefully in the most value to the world and those in it.

What is it you wish to leave behind?

I am working quietly on 24x24.org that I hope to be my legacy.

What is it you would wish said, or thought about you after you are gone?

"You might have liked him, or you might have hated him, but you always knew exactly where you stood with Mark. He always said what he believed, stood up for himself and others and gave his absolute and creative best with integrity."

Now living up to that is the continual step for each of us.

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