

August 6, 2013


After 89 Doctor's and still no answers have at least found once Doctor who I really enjoy. He is from Russia, wicked smart, really interesting and friggin' hilarious. He has more energy than I do and acts like he is a kid with a wonder and broad interest in my health. Not sure he will be able to solve the problems or unlock the key to what is wrong, but I have to say I really enjoy and love this guy.

He looked at me today and he said. "You are funny, I really, really like you and enjoy having you as a patient. You're smart and really know your body and you really know about a lot of things."

That was such a nice compliment. I replied and said... "Now fix me!"

Who are you grateful for today?

I realize that I have had my share of extraordinarily arrogant Doctor's who think so highly of themselves they forgot why they became Doctor's. So the group I am working with now at least is open to exchange with each other, have a sense of humor and while stumped are genuinely interested in making me better.

So for each of them I am grateful for their knowledge and experience and mostly for their engaging bedside manner. Chasing and existing within a health crisis is a lonely road, the voices are loudest at night and the fears are real. It's painful, depressing, exhausting and scary.

So when I get to have moments like today it's very healing and like my shot of B Vitamins right in the Muscle (which hurt like a son of a bitch), it makes you realize that the journey is as important as the destination.

Take care of yourself today, then go help someone else smile...there are so many curing properties contained within a simple smile!

I'll take two thank you!

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